Monday, 19 January 2015

A Reign of Terror!

A 10-year-old girl was recently used as a bomb-detonator just after massacring up to 2,000 people in Nigeria. Are we faced to a reign of terror in Northern Nigeria and Northern Cameroon?

It is noticed that Nigerian President Jonathan Goodluck is almost silent regarding this escalating violence during this electoral periods in Nigeria and almost nothing was said in his election campaign.

On the other hand, what is the World saying regarding this increasing growth of violence and reign of terror? The UN Security Council hasn't even issued any single statement on Nigeria and Cameroon! 

It can only be noticed that escalating violence has renewed pressure from world governments to act. 

There is need for an emergency UN security council meeting to put in place strategies to PUT AND END to the reign of terror of Boko Haram in Nigeria and Cameroon. This is URGENT!!! 

Let's raise our voices as one- for the sake of that little tiny innocent girl, all the kids recruited by force and by will to act as human bomb detonators and all those who are innocently killed in Northern Nigeria and Cameroon.

Monday, 5 January 2015

Happy 2015!!!

Happy 2015!!!

Amidst the joy of holiday celebrations, it is also time to reflect on the highlights of the year.
Human Is Right says a big thank you to all stakeholders for being part of our amazing year! To our amazing interns, we started the year welcoming many of you, being part of our team, then we ended the year with much achievements thanks to your amazing contributions.
We now look ahead to 2015 and engage the new year. Despite the challenges faced in 2014, we have had a great year and you were all part of our achievements.
To all our supporters who now look takes the new locomotive of 2015, we encourage you to consider Human IS Right in your planning. We invite you to make an impact by supporting Human IS Right’s work and being our ambassadors in your communities. Your investment in Human Is Right supports a great initiative that facilitates access to justice for the less privilege while creating impact today and into the future.

Thanks you!!!


During our one week stay in Bakumba documenting early child marriage, we interviewed some elders in the village to find out why early child marriage and pregnancy and were told it is a problem of modern times. In the days of their youth, their did not experience such a thing.

Amazing how modern times can affect people's behavior.


Human IS Right in partnership with Paolo Patruno under the project BIRTH IS A DREAM worked one week in Bakumba, a village located in the depth of the forest of the South West Region in Cameroon to document early child marriage and child pregnancy. After a long journey and one week spent in the village of Bakumba, Human IS Right and Paolo Patruno are now working inside the Douala New Bell prison to document maternal health in prison.