Saturday, 24 September 2016

The Prison Experience

It is estimated there are currently around 9 million people in prisons across the World. Statistics can tell us which countries or regions have the highest rates of incarceration. The numbers can tell us about the most common offenses, subdivided by race and sex of offender. Statistics can record the number of assaults and fatalities among inmates. What these numbers cannot convey is the essence of what it means to be a prisoner and what the prison expe...rience entails for those being punished.
Living in a total freedomless institution can be profoundly traumatic in itself and doing so against one’s will, as a form of punishment is enough to generate powerful, specific emotions and experiences. But when faced with threats to one’s life, health or wellbeing because of issues such as prison overpopulation, physical and sexual violence, abuse of power by prison staff and management, prison riots and gang wars etc., loss of freedom becomes only one part of a more complex and darker story.
Beyond providing legal aid to pre-trial detainees, Human IS Right goes further to answering questions pertaining to the physiological, psychological, sociological, and economic conditions on detainees and its effect on society.


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