Saturday, 24 September 2016

Human IS Right needs to reflect

After more than four years of intense activity, hopes and results achieved with a lot of commitment Human IS Right is taking a break.
We need to reflect on all what we have done and, moreover, on all what we have not done.
We strongly hope to be back soon, maybe with the help of all the ones among you who believe in us.
Just a word, thanks...!!!

The Prison Experience

It is estimated there are currently around 9 million people in prisons across the World. Statistics can tell us which countries or regions have the highest rates of incarceration. The numbers can tell us about the most common offenses, subdivided by race and sex of offender. Statistics can record the number of assaults and fatalities among inmates. What these numbers cannot convey is the essence of what it means to be a prisoner and what the prison expe...rience entails for those being punished.
Living in a total freedomless institution can be profoundly traumatic in itself and doing so against one’s will, as a form of punishment is enough to generate powerful, specific emotions and experiences. But when faced with threats to one’s life, health or wellbeing because of issues such as prison overpopulation, physical and sexual violence, abuse of power by prison staff and management, prison riots and gang wars etc., loss of freedom becomes only one part of a more complex and darker story.
Beyond providing legal aid to pre-trial detainees, Human IS Right goes further to answering questions pertaining to the physiological, psychological, sociological, and economic conditions on detainees and its effect on society.


The alarming prevalence of Gender Based Violence

The alarming prevalence of Gender Based Violence in the mile 16 and Ekona communities around Buea has raised the attention of many. Within this framework Human IS Right is currently undertaking interventions in many home and institutions working in collaboration with the National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms to curb the situation by talking one on one with victims who are mostly young women between the ages of 16 and 32 and as well bringing most cases to the attention of public authorities such as the Regional Delegation of the Women and the Family, the Regional Delegation of Social Affairs and the Ministry of Justice and other NGOs involved.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Contributions to the strategy of implementation of human rights

Within the framework of the 5 years national action plan for the promotion and protection of human rights in Cameroon, Human Is Right was invited to make contributions to the strategy of implementation following guidelines from the department of human rights under the ministry of Justice, the national commission on human rights and freedoms and the prime minister's office.

Stay up to date!

Stay up to date on how Human IS Right is driving positive social change through research, education, and public engagement that inform local communities, the judicial system, the national commission on human rights and freedoms and civil society organisations on programs designed to address disparities in well-being and promote social inclusion in a sustainable way.
We have been committed to providing access to justice to less privilege persons.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Reviewing education in prisons (Kumba and Buea): a critical challenge.

Human IS Right in partnership with Operation Total Impact and CAMBECSOR are currently carrying out formal education and reformation education to adults and juveniles within the Buea and Kumba prisons. It is a real challenge to undertake this difficult task.
Our team wishes to find out from You, how can participation in prison education programmes be improved? How do we measure performance and effectiveness...? Which teaching models work, and what good practice exists?
We encouraging all our past interns/volunteers and all those who wish to support our work to make their voice heard. The action aims to assess how we can improve education for prisoners, with plans to make recommendations to government in 2016. We welcome all contributions which has the potential to ensure that education in prisons offers a wide ranging curriculum which provides meaningful learning opportunities.
You can input your experiences, evidence, and proposals by email to

Monday, 26 October 2015

Hello everyone!!!

Hello everyone!!!

We have been so busy and it is amazing that we even have time to pause to read an email. But let’s take a quick break to reflect on the impact we are making in our world.

In the past few months, Human IS Right has supported more than 50 detainees from Buea, Kumba, Tiko, Limbe and Douala and has partnered with more than 5 organizations to keep up with this great initiative. We are proud that these figures and our work reflect tangible results in the lives of numerous individuals in need of access to justice. Our impact can be seen in detention centers , the courts, police and gendarme detention centers...

We are impacting persons living in most degrading human conditions and bring hope and light in their lives. As we move ahead, we are particularly excited about the new partnership forged with local diplomatic representations through the connection of the National Commission of Human Rights and Freedoms.

Everyday we all work so hard and sometimes get lost in the to do lists, and email inboxes to realize the sum total of the impact we are having on the work. Together we can multiply our impact by investing in the non profit sector and support organizations and networks that are addressing critical social issues.